Do More than Vote

Do more than Vote!

Call for Change!

GOTV, GOTV – Call your local campaigns and VOLUNTEER. Precinct walk, phone calls, whatever.

Every vote counts. Tell your neighbors, your friends, walk your block. Do whatever you can.

Our three household voters have now all voted, all absentee. I’ll be working at my polls on Tuesday, as will younger son, who can’t even vote yet, as his high school civics project. His school ASB even gets his poll worker pay!

If you get even one person out there to vote who might not have otherwise, you’ve made a difference. Thanks!


A friend and I went down to MoveOn’s office in San Diego tonight to do Call for Change. It was a bit disheartening, calling into Colorado’s fundie heartland and eastern Washington districts, but we did manage to get out a few more votes, I think. This may be one of those years when every vote really matters. I like to think we made a bit of difference.

And we had some good beer after at the Rock Bottom brewery and then met hubby and had a great dessert at Claim Jumper, so all in all it was a pretty good evening.

Tomorrow, deliver doorhangers!


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