North Korea in nuclear test claim

Thanks to my good friend and cartoonist John Pierce for cleaning up this Kevin Kallagher cartoon from the Economist. And John points us here to Daryl Cagle’s page for lots more cartoon goodness.

And here’s John’s take on the whole mess, which I missed in my post-surgery fog the last couple of days (minor surgery, no worries, and no, you really don’t want to know.).


Krazy Korea with nukes – Oh, shit.

BBC NEWS | World | North Korea in nuclear test claim


5 Responses

  1. Now, multiply that by about ten million and you might have a reasonable approximation of how people in societies not on especially friendly terms with America think when they see a cowboy with a short fuse in the office of president in the US.

    …or …

    If we were casting, I think I would put North Korea’s madman in the Daffy Duck role. Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush in the Wiley Coyote role. Daffy Duck is irritating but harmless, he just likes to hear himself talk. Wiley Coyote, on the other hand, is always getting himself hurt.

  2. Hey, that’s how I think about Bush too! I’ve been saying “oh shit” since the little prince decided to run…

    A nuclear Krazy Korea, though, that’s a big oh shit, too.

  3. Sad and pathetic, no. Little speck, yes.

    Cheney’s sociopathic sock puppet.

    What in the name of heaven did he expect to happen when he invaded Iraq, which had no WMDs, but that the other two nations he named in his axis-of-evil would rush to obtain protection?

  4. I can only pray that the Japs and S. Koreans start building up nukes as deterrence otherwise , see you to a few hundred million Asians …. what a shame

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