Bloggers are just people, too

Indeed. While the Lamont victory is sweet, and hopefully just the start of the progressive political movement’s winning streak, there’s a lot of work to do. This isn’t a fight for just a few election cycles. it will take many, many years to see the changes America needs to make to take care of our people and survive as a country for ALL of us, and not just the rich and privileged. We can’t fight endless wars on no money. If the oil barons want their oil wars, they’re just going to have to pay for them.

Oh, and oil barons? You’re not sending MY kids to fight those wars, either. Send your own.

Firedoglake – Firedoglake weblog

At some point, the folks who report on politics and the folks who run for office will wake up and understand that bloggers are merely Americans who try to amplify the sentiment of thousands more just like them. And the overwhelming sentiment that I have been hearing for months and months is that people have had enough of the lies, the manipulation, the self-dealing, the egos, the idiocy, the selfishness, and the outright dereliction of duty and lack of accountability from so many in Washington, D.C. in this rubber stamp Republican Congress…we’ve had enough.

We, the people, still have work to do this morning. But take a moment to savor the taste of a victory for our side…and then stoke that hunger for more of those to come in November, because we have a lot of work to do between now and then.


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