Let's just start the week with cat blogging

Mideast up in flames
China drowning in monsoons
America broiling

This is one of those weeks I know I’m going to hate even thinking about the news… with our California wildfires and 100 degree temperatures, most of us here are starting the week hot, tired, and irritable (plus I’ve been PMSing like crazy).

At least Comicon is this week, offering some relief. My sister-in-law and her husband will be here, so it should be fun. The kids always really enjoy the convention, and we’ll be seeing the symphony performing music from Lord of the Rings.

We had a wonderful party this weekend with our terrific group of friends, and spent tonight watching some Japanese videos with a couple of them and learning Japanese. We’re into our third session of Japanese classes and finally getting to the point where it’s making more sense and coming a little more easily – except now, we also have to learn the Chinese characters. It seems with any language there is always so much more to learn.

I feel there is nothing I can say to add any understanding at all to the world situation – it is such an insane mess this week. The attacks and escalation in the middle east – Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, and in Iraq, are nauseating and somewhat infuriating, really. Of course the U.S. is a great part of this huge problem, and does nothing to help resolve it. The G8 statement was a complete joke. And our president can do nothing more than make jokes about eating pigs, infuriating both the Jews and Muslims at once – nice job there!

Honestly, it all seems so surreal sometimes, like a really bad Tom Clancy novel. “Beyond credibility”, as he himself said about 9-11. And just when you think it can’t get worse, it does. Every. Damn. Week. Until Bush and his assinine kind are gone, this is what we get.

So hey, let’s enjoy my cute little kitty, Selena, and her affection for my sandals. At least the simple pleasures are still available to us. And let’s enjoy our friends, our family, and the good things in life that can still entertain us and help us to cope. Because it’s all so crazy, and all so out of our control. And hope, pray, meditate, chant, or whatever it is you do to help bring any tiny bit of peace to this world. Take care of yourself, and let’s take care of each other.

Dona nobis pacem – Grant us peace….


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