Tasty Tomato

Since Dr. Charles has been asking about our tomato progress, here’s mine.

This was the first ripe grape tomato, picked today and immediately eaten after its photo. It was very tasty.

These are other grape tomatoes on the same plant, scheduled to be devoured by the golden retrievers as soon as they notice these are ripening. We always end up in a race to see who gets to them first.

These are orange tomatoes ripening in the planters in the front yard, out of range of the golden retrievers.

Someday I’ll have a property big enough for the golden retriever rescue ranch, where the goldens can roam freely, AND a fenced-in garden. Until then, my tomatoes, guavas, blueberries (they haven’t noticed these yet!), passion fruits, and other assorted goodies grow at their own risk.

By the way, this is pretty tasty as well:


2 Responses

  1. looks great! my childhood golden retriver/lab mix had quite a talent for selecting only the ripest, most succulent tomatoes to feast upon… like clockwork once daily. very health conscious those dogs.

  2. I had two dogs a few years ago, one a golden retriever, that would fight over the cherry tomatoes. There were four plants. I will never understand why the two of them thought that one particular tomato was worth fighting for.

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