Happy Gay Pride Month

In honor of gay & lesbian pride month, which Clinton supported, our current idiot in chief does this:

I have a number of gay, lesbian, and bisexual friends. I read a wonderful blog by Denise, a transexual, who has described in tremendous detail what she has gone through. I read Americablog on a daily basis, and am loving their campaign today to call every Senator and Congressman supporting this idiotic piece of shit legislation and ask them personal questions about their sex lives.

I am sick and tired of Republicans prying into our personal lives and our bedrooms. I am sick and tired of their discrimination against members of our society, their hatred towards women’s rights, and their bigotted, biased attitudes towards those of other races. I’m tired of white men running and ruining our country.

This country was created for ALL of us. Perhaps in those early days, the founders couldn’t make that crystal clear, though many of them tried. Many were against slavery. Many were for the rights of women. All of them were against government prying into our personal affairs.

It’s time for this garbage to end. The “Christian” right has to be forced out of power. I am totally in favor of anyone being able to express their religion in the manner they choose – but I’ll be damned if anyone has a right to force their religious beliefs on anyone else, and I’m damned tired of the Republican party catering to the wishes of the “moral” Christians.

I was raised Presbyterian, and I learned that Jesus taught tolerance, fairness, and praying in private, not spouting your religion all over the place as a way of showing how superior you are to everyone else. I will be damned if these people will take any more of our rights away – and I will work my ass off to support civil rights in this country for EVERYONE – not just the favored few with the “right” morals.

They are not blessed by God – not even their God, because their God would be appalled by what these people do in his name.

They ought to be ashamed of themselves, not try to force shame on others for doing things or living in a way they don’t approve of.

Live your life, your way, “Christians”. But stop forcing your values on this country. Fine, you want a “fag war”, you’ve got one.

And by the way, those at the top, Bush included, could give a shit about your values. He knows there’s not a chance in hell of this passing. He knows it’s never going to be the law of this land. It’s just a distraction for him, for them, from the war in Iraq, from the fucked-over economy, which they’re telling you is just great, from the damage from Katrina, from Haditha, from all those things they ought to be hanging their heads in shame over. But no, they just go back to appealing to the wingers, distracting them into yet another vote for the Republicans who will “save” them from the horrors of gay marriage.

Here’s a message for the “Christians”:


You’ve been used, just like the rest of us, to line the pockets of the “elite”, those at the top of this society trying to squeeze out every last dollar before they become worthless pieces of paper, thanks to their economic policies.

And you know what? They really don’t give a shit about anything else. They don’t even care if you know that’s what they are doing, because they’ll just take their money and go ruin some other country if this one wakes up.

The Bush family, the Cheney family, and all their ilk, are a bunch of evil bastards. And you know what they would say to that? “Who cares what you think?”

Well, you know what? Maybe enough people in this country are finally starting to care what I’ve thought, what so many of us have thought, and said, and ranted about, for the last six years. I sure hope so.

I still have hope for this country. I have two boys, 16 and 20. I’ll be damned if either one of them will end up in any of the evil wars these people spawn. I just hope somehow we wake up in time that they still have a country, that they still can get a good job, that they can live in this country and not have to go overseas to even find a decent place to live and work.

I still have hope that we can be America again. The real America – not this hellhole the Bushies or the “Christian” right wants, but OUR America. EVERYONE’s America, that we can be proud of once again.

Oh, and if you’re as pissed off as I am, please go to PFLAG and join. You don’t have to be gay to support all our civil rights.


2 Responses

  1. Thank you, Donna. Thank you for the link and the kind words, but more than that, thank you for being you and for seeing through the tactics of the elite.

    I really also hope that we can be America again; I long to be proud again.

    Thank you so much for your support — as all of us in the trenches know, we can’t win our rights (simple rights, really — things like the right to not be fired for who we are or to marry those we love) without the strong support of our allies, people like you.

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