Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Clear sunlight on falling snow; fire and ice. Bare boned trees stark to the horizon, Cold […]


Body is the tabernacle. Traveling one thousand miles, The gods are still in place. The body […]


Confidence — Ellen F. McCormick Martens Truth perceived gives assurance. Skill yields self-reliance. With courage, we […]


Make every move count. Pick your target and hit it. Perfect concentration means Effortless flowing. A […]

Well Said, Indeed

The Blogging of the President: 2004 The Mark of Hell by Stirling Newberry I am amused […]


Hearse of weathered black enamel. Undertakers fingering cigarettes. Family, some crying, some bored, Some only thinking […]


Contemplate in the morning. Pull weeds in the afternoon. The joys and labor of a single […]

Federal Crime

It certainly ought to be a crime… so why isn’t DeLay in jail? He’s broken enough […]

Oh, indeed they are….

t r u t h o u t || Best. Picture. Ever. Go see!

Neuroscience for Kids – awesome site!

Neuroscience for Kids The smell of a flower – The memory of a walk in the […]