Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


We’re traveling to the Big Island of Hawaii for the next week to go scuba diving […]

Senator's number on escort service list

Funny how God only forgives you if you’re a Republican but if you’re a Democrat you […]

Fish Heads !

And mousies! YouTube – Fish Heads Fish Heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads, fish heads, […]

Healthcare terrorism

Economist’s View Paul Krugman: What outrages people who see “Sicko” is the sheer cruelty and injustice […]


A steady continuous flow of attention directed towards the same point or region is meditation. — […]

Frogmen vs. Radioactive Octopus

Ooh, must get one of these! A friend just sent me the link. Via Ectoplasmosis. Frogmen […]

Happy Birthday, Darwin!

My actual reason for celebrating today – his first treat – peanut butter! More to come […]

Independence Day

Independence Day has been changed this year – to January 20th, 20009…. Last Year was so […]

L33T Justice

Oh, just go read the whole thing. It’s good. Kung Fu Monkey: L33T Justice We are […]

Yet another reason to despise my congress creature

Ick. Geez, Duncan, get a room. And shower after… Hunter defends Ann Coulter against critics – […]