Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Aw, Danny's giving away the SEKRIT!!

By Danny Gregory Think about it: we all, even Brad Pitt or George Bush, occupy a […]


Hullabaloo America seems to be waking up to the fact that stolen elections, bogus recalls, movie […]

Arrested Development

Attytood: Woman arrested for speaking freely right after Bush call for “freedom…to speak freely” — and […]

Friday Garden Tao

Amaryllis bloom – there are four of these, about 6″ across. Climbing Angel Face Rose – […]

I'm The Decider

I guess it’s just song day around here… I’m The Decider I am me and Rummy’s […]

Your momma was a lobefinned fish

Via inkycircus inkycircus Join in a chorus of the Devonian Blues then. Brought to you be […]

The Brooks Brothers White House

TPM Muckraker April 19, 2006 01:31 PM (Printable Format) The man Bush tapped to fill Karl […]

Secret Garden

I want to live somewhere where I can grow a real garden, where the soil isn’t […]

Tell me Why the Sky is So Blue Today

Via Cosmic Variance, I woke up to this story today. People have asked why I blog […]

Show me The Way

Infrared Milky Way Every night I say a prayer in the hope that there’s a heaven […]