Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Or actually, ocular hypertension. Hey, welcome to your 50th year on earth… Oh well, at least […]


Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, Journey into the Heart of an Insurgency “The wise ones of olden times […]


Lewis Hyde – Home Clever at deceit, tricksters are equally clever at seeing through deceit, and […]

Good, can he quit being my representative now too, please?

Or, as the rest of the country says, “who?” SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Politics — Rep. […]

The name of the game

Darwin kills a rubber tennis ball Interesting article on natural dog training and how to deal […]

Relief, Restructuring, Stimulus

Stirling sums up some of the reasons why I have supported progressives in the last few […]

The war on change

Did you know the Republicans are now declaring a war against change? Uh oh.

I feel so special!

And as a female engineer, I am even more special! Yay. Economist’s View: Alex Tabarrok: “Reason […]

Doesn't this disqualify him?

Considering the oath of office is to SUPPORT THE CONSTITUTION. “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) […]

Lego Invasion!

My 22 year old has decided to relive his childhood this evening and invited his friends […]