Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Chaos and Creation

“Nothing in the world can change from one reality into another unless it first turns into […]

Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead

Which is only funny if you grew up watching Chevy Chase on Saturday Night Live… Last […]

More Swampage

These are the days I wish it snowed here instead of raining — the entire yard […]


We is getting SOAKED today! My garden will be happy, at least. The dogs are very […]

A Modest Proposal

Hattie wins comment of the day…. a little red hen: Last Minute Preparations… Here is a […]

What Is Wabi-Sabi?

What Is Wabi-Sabi? In Japan, there is a marked difference between a Thoreau-like wabibito (wabi person), […]

After a While (repost)

Heather Mendel After A While by Veronica A. Shoffstall After a while you learn the subtle […]

Military plane crashes in San Diego neighborhood

Sad day here… brings back memories for me from the 1980s when an A-4 crashed near […]

Art for Equality

“What Barrier is There that Love Cannot Break? — Gandhi Glimpse Over the years we at […]