Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Free Hugs!

YouTube – Inspiring Story! Free Hugs Campaign (music by sick puppies) Free Hugs Campaign (music by […]

Republicans suck at judging character

Geez. In their friends, in their representatives, in each other. It amazes me how badly Republicans […]

The Daily Puppy

So Much Cuteness!!!! The Daily Puppy Sigh. Another must see along with Cute Overload and the […]

The G.O.P.'s Secret Weapon

Yup, GOP GOTV is pretty amazing. But, when you raise your kids by homeschooling and ship […]

"The problem is your population"

Daily Kos: Another Cabbie. Another Incredible Story. UPDATED “So you think we are already at a […]

We write letters…

Dear Denny, Remind me not to ask you for any babysitting references. Sincerely, A concerned citizen […]

Friday Night Beer Blogging

These are the lovely bubbles of a Guinness Murphy’s head in Victoria last week. This was […]

Something tells me this won't be the only one

There are trillions of dollars in hedge funds right now. This won’t be the only one […]