Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

As usual, if you don't like San Diego's weather…

Just wait a day. Raining all day here, more on the way. Pouring right now. I […]

Feather Dance

The afternoon really got going with the dance of feather clouds across the sky… My neighbor […]

Too clever for his own good…

globeandmail.com The votes of 40,000 Canadian citizens who qualify as “Italians abroad,” some of whom have […]


So, what’s sprouting in your life these days?

No human being is illegal

Via Eschaton It bothers me when people call undocumented workers “illegal immigrants”. Yes, they’ve entered the […]

Hey, Big Spender…

Via Bartcop… The minute you walked in the joint, I could see you were a man […]

Why Journal? – by Danny Gregory

By Danny Gregory Another aspect of modern life is reflected in the last essay I wrote […]

Art Books

Warja Honegger Lavater HomoSapiens Great Posting at BibliOdyssey today on art books – check it out! […]

Won't Get Fooled Again?

TIME.com: “Why I Think Rumsfeld Must Go” — Apr. 17, 2006 — Page 1 Two senior […]

The Other Shoe

Via Hoffmania… I don’t know why anyone is surprised by Seymour Hersh’s column saying these idiots […]