Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Flander's Fields

Rising Hegemon: Flander’s Fields The war and its tragedy, especially its constant misery and evident criminal […]

Spiritual Awareness

Group work must include spiritual awareness if it is to touch the existential anxiety of our […]

A flexible heart

Sensory Overload: Whose Moral Values? A must-read…. There is far more at stake here than religion. […]

We All Live in Pleasantville Now

Remember Pleasantville? That black and white world, where personal expression was a no-no? We all live […]

Polarities, Paradoxes, and Puzzles

All behaviors contain their opposites. Hyper-inflation leads to collapse. A show of strength suggests insecurity. What […]

Election Day

Tomorrow’s gonna be a brighter day There’s gonna be some changes tomorrow Gonna be a brighter […]

The Bush Record

I’m Just Sayin’: George and Barbara Must Be So Proud The Bush Record – Worst. President. […]

Daily Kos :: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation. Bush’s […]


Gu. Valley. The valley is low. Thus, all things flow toward it. It is receptive. Therefore, […]

Art and Soul

I had a wonderful weekend in Pasadena at an artists convention, taking art classes from various […]