Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Happy New One

Welcome to 2004…should be an interesting year. As in, “may you live in interesting times”. I […]

Christmas time is here…

It’s only a few days from Christmas, and we are in the midst of our kitchen […]

california burnin'

Wow, what a week – the largest brushfire in California history, a mile from my house, […]

in mourning

My mother passed away September 25th. I am still not sure how to feel – it’s […]

It's been a while…

Work and kid’s school and other things have ket me busy. I made a brief trip […]

Haven't posted for a while…

It’s been a while since I posted anything. Mostly busy with the Sony consulting job, which […]

OK, now it's summer!

Summer arrived with a vengeance in July with temps in the 90s.. yuck. After June gloom, […]

new job…

Sony job starts tomorrow! I’m excited, but nervous too… hope it goes well!


Well, turns out Sony wanted me to start Monday but I’ll have to put them off […]

'cause it's summer….

Summer starts tomorrow, but you wouldn’t know it from the San DIego June gloom. It is […]