Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Great John Sherffius 'toon

By way of Hoffmania… See, this is what really bothers me right now. Why aren’t we […]


Hands grasp, but also give. Mouth tastes, but also speaks. Nose breathes, but also smells. Eyes […]


Outer eyes Cannot see themselves. The inner eye Is its own reflection. When we look, we […]


Imagination, song, the soaring spirit. Separate them to know them as aspects of the whole, Join […]


Imagination is pale and fragile, Dreams grip with a false reality. Imagination can build bridges, Dreams […]

I'm joining up….

JON CARROLL Beware! Unless you people shut up and begin acting like grown-ups with brains enough […]


Where was Tao while I was gone? Wasn’t I following it where I went? Do you […]

Welcome to the new WordPress format

Due to MT difficulties and comment spamming, I’ve worked with my site admin to move things […]

The most rational thing I've read so far today

Culture of Life News II The first warning of a coming depression. I often harp about […]

Culture of Life Festival!

Jesus’ General The GOP’s First Annual Culture of Life Festival Chairman Ken Mehlman Republican National Committee […]