Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Home again!

Just got back to San Diego. House is trashed and the spa was open and full […]

Off to Phoenix

funny-pictures-cat-has-writers-block I’m off to Phoenix for a week to sort out family affairs. My disabled sister […]


The whole is in the seed. A whole plant is contained in the seed. An entire […]

Why Jesus tossed the moneychangers out of the temple

“The injunction of Jesus to love others as ourselves is an endorsement of self-interest,” Goldman’s Griffiths […]


“Naked I came into the world, but brush strokes cover me, language raises me, music rhythms […]

What a difference a year makes

So, I turn 51 tomorrow. Hubby turns 50 on Wednesday. Last year for our birthdays, we […]


Tao is the road up your spine. Tao is the road of your life. Tao is […]

Heart (repost from 2005)

Noel Hart, Crimson Rosella David Watts, Crimson Rosella Crimson Bouquet Imagine your heart as an opening […]