Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Sun shines in the center of the sky. All things turn their faces toward the light. […]


Put forth your effort With no thought of gain. One should not pray or meditate with […]


Zhang Hongtu Shi Tao – Van Gogh, 1998 Oil on canvas Tradition was once function. But […]

Going Nuclear

Thanks to John Pierce for another great cartoon today….

Bloomberg.com: U.S.

Bloomberg.com: U.S. “We’re wising up to the fact that we’re very important nine months before an […]


After completion Come new beginnings. To gain strength, Renew the root. In music, the fundamental tone […]

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy? A must read article…. …. At what point does […]


One gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, Three gives birth to the ten […]

Mallard Fillmore cartoon sucks ass

Just canceled my LA Times subscription because of today’s Mallard Fillmore cartoon. I hope plenty of […]


Two ducks nestled in lake-side grass. Both marked by the same brilliant purple at the wing. […]