Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Like your manicure? Tip Tippi Hedren!

I didn’t know Tippi Hedren was responsible for starting the Vietnamese on the path to nail […]

Does your brain have a mind of its own

Hmm, interesting – guess we need to think in terms of “if-then-else” statements instead of “do-while” […]

WHat Hoff says

Indeed. Gee, two oil men got in office and oil company profits all skyrocketed over the […]

Ownership of the Sublime

“Ownership of the sublime is not like mastery. To own the sublime is not to have […]

Disabled Arrested At McCain Office

McCain to Disabled Veterans — who cares what you think? Disabled Arrested At McCain Office, 20 […]

Happy Beltane!

Beltane Fire Festival A roundup of a few Beltane posts: Beltane is a cross-quarter day, marking […]

The kids are all right — no wait, all left….

Pew Research Center: Gen Dems: The Party’s Advantage Among Young Voters Widens Trends in the opinions […]

What Hoff says

Indeed. Hoffmania! | All That’s Left! Liberal News & Free Speech I don’t mind my president […]


I feel my Roxie girl starting to slip away from me. Tonight, she couldn’t keep her […]