Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Weeded the veggie garden and planted some new stuff – peppers and onions and beans. We’ll […]


I got a consulting gig at Sony! Yeah!

Meetings and interviews…

Well, I have a meeting tomorrow with a “headhunter” and an interview next week with Sony […]


Reading Kay Redfield Jamison’s An Unquiet Mind” and “Breaking the Patterns of Depression” and “Undoing Depression“. […]

red cross volunteering

First day volunteering at the Red Cross – mostly answering phones and stuffing envelopes, but it […]

Just because it's June…

Hard to believe it is already June. Time is flying by for me lately, even though […]

hanging in there…

Well, I have a job of sorts now volunteering with the Red Cross starting next week, […]


Finally felt relatively good yesterday – the lamictal seems to be helping a lot. Today was […]

Almost Famous…

Watched Almost Famous tonight…good flick. Lots to say about what it takes to live life in […]

rock bottom cafe

Had lunch at the rock bottom cafe with Pat Wilson and Greg Rose and Tom – […]