Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Not my Fault

via Bartcop “It’s not my fault” – the motto of the Bush assministration….

First lines

Meme via The Silent K – the first sentence of the first post of each month […]

Spirit Points

Wow. Too bad spirit points can’t bring the dead back to life, huh? Bush has so […]

Darwin makes friends

This is Darwin with Blair, one of my son Gregory’s friends. She called Monday and her […]

Darwin's morning exploration

The experiment began with a close examination of the subject… “My hypothesis is this is some […]

Puppy kindergarten

We took Darwin to puppy kindergarten tonight – he had a blast playing with the other […]

Art of Eating

“Between wealth and grinding poverty, who now chooses no more than material sufficiency in order to […]

What does Christ smell like?

I imagine it’s kind of a musty, moldy smell by now…. but mostly, I’m really ticked […]


Puppies are so classy. BTW, I’m leaning towards the name “Darwin White Cloud”. His Daddy was […]

Cleans up pretty well, doesn't he?

The sad part is, he’s all dressed up to go play a role-playing game. Sigh. Oh […]