Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Bacon…. Via Obsession with Food.

North Korea in nuclear test claim

Thanks to my good friend and cartoonist John Pierce for cleaning up this Kevin Kallagher cartoon […]

The Revolution Eats Its Own

As usual, Stirling gets it. Worth a read. The Revolution Eats Its Own | TPMCafe The […]


The Daily Puppy Awww… I want a golden puppy! No, I want a whole ranch full […]

Friday Saturday Night Beer Blogging

Tom’s Red Ale, homebrewed…. Delicious!!!! Tomorrow we are bottling the Playstation Porter!

Republican's Motto – Blame Others for what you've done

Oh please. How could anyone feel sorry for Duke? He laughed all the way to the […]


WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future If we really are going […]

Foley's Folly: Enlightenment for the masses

Unclaimed Territory – by Glenn Greenwald In that regard, this scandal is like the Cliffs’ Notes […]


A truly good man is not aware of his goodness, And is therefore good. A foolish […]


MAKE: Blog Nothing is better for the greediest of capitalists than ignorant people. By learning to […]