Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Clown Car?

My laugh for the morning via Watertiger via Pandagon. Dependable Renegade BTW, if any girl I […]

'Trying to make it home: New Orleans a year after Katrina'

Another thing that annoys me today. When is this country going to fucking start *caring* about […]


OK, so far this is the most annoying thing I’ve seen today, via Neatorama and Kung […]

Ignore this post

I’m ignoring people today. Check back tomorrow to be annoyed…. Or you can check out this […]

Heartbreaking story

Very sad, and well worth reading. Man Eegee – Latino Politico One night I woke up […]


Virginia is for Bigots… From my friend John Pierce – hope you had a good time […]

Good Reads of the Day

I sometimes wonder why I post so little. And then I remember it is because I […]

Nightmares: Bush on a plane!

Woke up from a very bad dream this morning about being trapped on a plane with […]

Watch it all the way to the end…

And if you aren’t crying, you aren’t human…. Isla de Flores (click on skip trailer…) Hurluberlu […]

Pachelbel's Canon Rocks!

Seriously, Pachabel’s Canon in Rock! From a talented kid named Jerry C in Taiwan. I love […]