Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Which way are you goin'?

Iraq, Deep In Your BonesA war that isn’t really a war, the great humiliation that’s ours […]

Great job, Dubya – half a million for MoveOn!

Gotta admit, Dubya is quite the fundraiser! I actually gave money to MoveOn for pissing off […]

Paul Begala: Democrats Should Attack Bush, Not MoveOn – Politics on The Huffington Post

Paul Begala: Democrats Should Attack Bush, Not MoveOn – Politics on The Huffington Post Before Democrats […]

MoveOn And the Kabuki Congress | The Agonist

MoveOn And the Kabuki Congress | The Agonist Kabuki Congress: The bottom line is this. About […]

Army of Dude

Army of Dude returns to the States, glad to be alive, and what does he find […]

If you want to support free speech

You can sign on here: The U.S. Senate just told you to sit down and be […]

People should not fear their government, their government should fear the people

The Austrian Economists: People should not fear their government, their government should fear the people “People […]

I've informed Senator Feinstein she is fired

I no longer consider Feinstein my Senator after her vote for this atrocity. Ms. Boxer, you […]

Oh, this will blow San Diego Republican's minds

WOW. I am impressed. Bravo, Mayor Sanders! Wockner: Republican San Diego mayor embraces same-sex marriage, says […]

No one could possibly have foreseen….

etc, etc…. Oh, and if you know of a copy editor or graphic artist job in […]