Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Enforced Doodling is Boring

Enforced Doodles This is my enforced doodling from one of the exercises in The Artful Journal. […]

CBC Arts: Scientists solve another Agatha Christie mystery

Hmmm. Gotta go re-read all those Agatha Christie stories, I guess. I read most of them […]


My very simplified version of Li Qing’s Blue and Green Landscapes, from an Album of Ten […]

Happy New Year!

“Another fresh new year is here . . . Another year to live! To banish worry, […]


Love Winter – when the plant says nothing. — Thomas Merton


Wheel of Life, Suan Mokkh Upon completion comes fulfillment. With fulfillment comes liberation. Liberation allows you […]


A shadow edge is never on the edge. The time to contemplate the ending is before […]

Merry Christmas!

Me with my new hand-woven shawl and the new “pets”.

Meet the new Puppy!

Chance and Roxie don’t seem too impressed with the new puppy…


Ancient societies were tribal; The group did the thinking. Current society is splintered; The individual must […]