Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Henry Paulson and the Five Circles of Economic Hell

A Must Read. If you read nothing else today, read this. Then get out of debt […]

Kenneth L. Lay, Ex-Chairman of Enron, Dies at 64

I remember how pissed off I was that summer we paid extortionary electric bills… Californians will […]


Gah! Thanks for mentioning these guys in the doctor’s comments, Dan R.! Seriously, thanks. I probably […]

Happy Fourth – Space Shuttle launch and world cup

We’re celebrating the fourth watching the shuttle launch and world cup soccer! NASA – Space Shuttle […]

Tasty Tomato

Since Dr. Charles has been asking about our tomato progress, here’s mine. This was the first […]

Aging Creatively

Being young is easy – Aging creatively is an art form… Aging Creatively: A New Study […]

Vale to Babylon

This is why I read Stirling… Vale to Babylon The lesson of the armies of Ashur […]

Ooo, Shiny!

OK, this doesn’t seem very exciting, but, you have to understand that for me, cleaning anything […]

best laser etched powerbook EVAR!

Dan’s laser etched powerbook on Flickr – Photo Sharing! After Magritte’s “The Son of Man”: About […]


I don’t think there’s anything on this planet that more trumpets life that the sunflower. For […]