Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

The Age of Sphincter Failure

What Chiarscuro says. The Broad View: The Age of Sphincter Failure The men who imagined the […]

Friday Night Beer Blogging!

The next batch of red ale… almost done brewing!

Contaminated Minds

Contaminated Minds, by UB40 Some people search for the holy grail Run round in circles and […]

If you were gay, it would be ok!

Via Americablog: But, you’re not gay…. Well, okay, but just so you know — IF YOU […]

Obake – whiskey river

whiskey river “Obake, the Japanese “ghost,” is exactly what its name suggests: o is an honorific […]

Pity the wealthy…

skippy the bush kangaroo republican candidate for the us senate from new jersey, thomas kean junior, […]

Habeus Corpus

projo.com | Subterranean Homepage News Habeas corpus suspended: “…it is proper you should understand what I […]

Whiskey Bar: Down the River

I’ve gotta agree with Billmon – I haven’t done enough to oppose this administration, this war, […]