Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

The Uncarved Block

Know the masculine, but keep to the feminine: and become a watershed to the world. If […]


The heavy is the root of the light. The unmoved is the source of all movement. […]

Right, who was eating cake with Dubya?

McCain, in Lower Ninth Ward, Blasts Bush Katrina Response | The Trail | washingtonpost.com Touring the […]

Creativity (Repost)

Change and risk-taking are normal aspects of the creative process. They are the lubricants that keep […]

I guess we should all just inherit our millions, like Cindy

Yeah, I want to be a rich woman so my husband can sponge off me too, […]

I'm not sure giving them time off is a good idea

They might just have decided it was a nice reward… 11 students suspended for banana prank […]

Sad Statistics

Inmate Count in U.S. Dwarfs Other Nations’ – New York Times The United States has less […]

You say tomato…

My Earth Day celebration. I already have a slew of tomatoes coming up in the garden, […]

Mudita — Empathic Joy

from Wikipedia: Mudita is a Buddhist (Pali and Sanskrit) word meaning rejoicing in others’ good fortune. […]

OMG! Fafblog is back! Woot!

One of my most favorite blogs EVHAR has returned!! Woot! Go enjoy…. Fafblog! back to save […]