Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Pharyngula::Bush endorses Intelligent Design creationism

Pharyngula::Bush endorses Intelligent Design creationism Links to 160 Evolution-Friendly bloggers here.

Embarrassing Sons

John Nichols: Bolton will serve differently than his predecessors. For one thing, he is neither the […]

Bush endorses teaching 'intelligent design'

Bush endorses teaching ‘intelligent design’ President Bush waded into the debate over evolution and “intelligent design” […]

Uninspired Today

I’m still sick with this darn cold today and just feeling uninspired. If you would like […]


They say, “You are god.” But everyone is. They say, “All is god.” Then why are […]

Dog-flop Haiku

Adho Mukha Svanasana, Downward Facing Dog, sculptor Louise M Peterson Roxie in downward dog Chance practices […]


Never jump out of the same hole twice. We all yearn for success. Not just the […]


Rubens, The Union of Earth and Water Organic molecules from cosmic clouds, Millions of years in […]


Allegory of Love, II (‘Scorn’), Paolo Veronese Why do you scorn others? Can it be that […]


This is how the human being can change: there’s a worm addicted to eating grape leaves. […]