Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Why we need Universal Health Care Coverage

So people like Twisty have a chance to survive without going broke. I Blame The Patriarchy […]

Pretty in Pink

I just love Cecile Bruner – such a beautiful rose! My garden is glorious right now. […]

Pet Food Fiasco

We were caught up in the pet food recall today – had to take back our […]


According to the Yoga Sutras, the four aims of life are dharma, artha , kama and […]

raga and dvesha

Attachment is that which dwells upon pleasure. — yoga sutras Aversion is that which dwells upon […]

The Tao of Gonzo

Heh. Too funny! FRAMESHOP by Jeffrey Feldman THE TAO OF GONZO (a.k.a., The Spiritual Side of […]

I just love code pink!

Of course, Gonzales wouldn’t know the truth if it was biting him in the ass. Oh, […]

New music

A new label parterning with Putumayo World Music – some great new sounds here. CUMBANCHA Cumbancha […]

Take Action: Planned Parenthood Pledge

I’ve signed. Take Action: Planned Parenthood Pledge Planned Parenthood Pledge If you are outraged by the […]