Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

What are you afraid to buy?

The advice to buy what would normally seem expensive right now while it is being sold […]

What Michael Pollan Hasn't Told You About Food

Good article — worth a read. What Michael Pollan Hasn’t Told You About Food Patel’s new […]

If you want to know who I am

Click here. God, I love the internets. I’ll have to keep this site in mind for […]

Changing it up

The blogroll will be changing again as political stuff falls by the wayside and I find […]

Road Trip

Yep, on the road to Arizona again today, this week it’s Tucson for Thanksgiving and eldest […]

Traveler (repost)

The Sand Traveler is a rendering of 1,000 traveling particles, each in pursuit of another. Over […]

The Shallowest Generation

One of the best rants I’ve read in ages. Of course it isn’t all the boomers […]

True Strength

“We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the […]

Love After Love

Love After Love The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at […]