Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Short Attention Span Theatre

I couldn’t get through this whole article, but you might enjoy it…. Is Google Making Us […]

"It's A Google"

Hotline On Call: “It’s A Google” John McCain stumping and raising cash today in Richmond joked […]

Grapefruit… my bathing suit…

Grapefruit Bathing suit Chew a little Juicy Fruit Wash away the night… Jimmy Buffet I never […]

One Historic Night, Two Americas

Go read Frank Rich’s whole piece — it’s very insightful. The better half is here, though […]

A Man of Virtue performs his part….

After a bitter quarrel, some resentment must remain. What can one do about it? Therefore the […]

This is what change looks like…

Regardless of who wins in November, there will be changes made. The lobbyists are losing power […]

Closing the polls

Winding down tonight after wrapping up the polls at the California primary election today, our second […]

The Homeless Billionaire

The Wealth Report – WSJ.com : The Homeless Billionaire After making his billions, Mr. Berggruen, 46, […]


“We create ourselves by how we invest the energy of our attention” — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi , […]