Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Where Does Brian Bilbray Really Live?

Print Story: Where Does Brian Bilbray Really Live? on Yahoo! News It is now more than […]

Comment Spammers

Comment Spammers belong here in this nice pot of boiling oil. Some damn insurance site is […]

Forever Pregnant

Oh, good grief, they ARE planning on creating Gilead! Fuckers, indeed…. Hey, if my ATM card […]

Bush budget scraps 9,790 border patrol agents

The real reason Shrub wants to misuse the National Guard (again!) now – Bush’s failure to […]

Happy Mother's Day…

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there – hope everyone was good to you. […]

Al Gore on SNL – AWESOME!!

Sigh… if only…. Crooks and Liars “Saturday Night Live,” opened their show tonight with Al Gore […]

Yellow Elephants

Chinatsu Ban From Rising Hegemon From last nights gong show quality Larry King, Randi Rhodes poses […]

Friday Fractals – The (Mis)Behaviour of Markets

The (Mis)Behaviour of Markets: A Fractal View of Risk, Ruin and Reward by Benoit Mandelbrot and […]