Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


I have to admit I love this philosophy of life. Fred Gratzon is a very Taoist […]

Take note of who really hates America

Those who would deny hard-working Americans a decent living wage, but want to repeal estate taxes […]

Many U.S. Iraq vets homeless

Sigh. This is truly sad. It’s really a shame we don’t support the troops once they […]

Social Isolation Growing in U.S., Study Says

Social Isolation Growing in U.S., Study Says Social Isolation Growing in U.S., Study Says The Number […]

Nothin' but Nest…

Considering how many of my friends told me they were buying their McMansions “as their retirement […]

OK, you older wingers, get your asses over there

No more excuses like, “I’m too old…” Army takes older recruits | Reuters.com The U.S. Army, […]

Just for future reference…

Should I ever become an A or B or C list blogger (fat chance!) — I’m […]

My grand-nephew Evan

As cute as his beautiful mother, my niece Courtney….

Best Friends

Judi and I met in fifth grade, when she had just moved to Arizona from New […]

30 years ago

I am here til Monday… coronadohigh1976.com