Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Kelly Hawes, “A Party of Women” I attended a friend’s birthday party yesterday. It was a […]


When in the arena, Yield not to an aggressor. When outside the arena, Affirm compassion. This […]

The American Street » Blog Archive » Will the pledges go straight to GOPAC?

The American Street » Blog Archive » Will the pledges go straight to GOPAC?

Words to Inspire – London's Mayor Ken Livingstone

Dona Nobis Pacem FT.com / News in depth / Terror – Text of statement delivered by […]

Words to eat…

“We are fighting these terrorists with our military in Afghanistan and Iraq and beyond so we […]

Happy Birthday, Mr. Resident!

Happy Birthday to Resident Bush! We love your party dress!!


Artist Facing Blank Canvas, Norman Rockwell, 1938 Facing blank paper Is an artist’s terror. When an […]


See, John, I told you I would post it…

Someone comes to town, someone leaves town…

Our new puppy, Roxy I have such conflicted feelings this evening. Our good friends, Kristin, Sven, […]


ActiveMysticism.com Make the mind. A single point. The key to any meditation is to concentrate the […]