Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Don’t call me a follower of Tao. Following Tao is an intensely personal endeavor in which […]

Happy Birthday, Gregory!

My younger son, Gregory, turns 16 today – old enough to drive, oh no! Fortunately, he […]


Order and Chaos, M C Escher, 1950 Build your life brick upon brick. Live a life […]


The hero comes down from the mountain, Radiant with the power. Yet one tussle with a […]

Worst. President. Ever.

Wednesday August 17, 2005–President Bush’s Approval Rating has tumbled five points over the past week to […]

Kissing Hank's Ass

Pharyngula Via Freethought Weekly, it’s Kissing Hank’s Ass: The Movie.


Narciso Jaramillo, Post-It #61, Redemption I meditate daily before the altar, Yet I am still covered […]

Why we need higher taxes on the rich

So they won’t spoil their damn children….. Printed from dallasnews.com It’s the end of the day […]

'Wash Post' Cuts Ties to Pentagon Event After Protests

‘Wash Post’ Cuts Ties to Pentagon Event After Protests The Washington Post announced tonight that it […]