These Dreams…

UPDATE: So today, I’m making ATCs and an amulet bag for them in my ATC class, and Pat Herring had these great key stamps to use, and I found some little Keys to attach to the amulet bag. It was a good class – learned lots of different techniques and just had fun.

And (synchronicity!) I found this new art inspiration group via navylane’s blog that is doing ATCs this week:

From yesterday’s post:

A very strange dream this morning… my husband and another man renovating a huge house, a Chinese restaurant with a wonderful laid-back atmosphere, lots of water and baths going on, a large woman handing me a huge set of keys with a big smile, lots of clearing things out, separating, sorting, golden retrievers and gangs of little kids everywhere. And people laughing, smiling, joking, having a great time. My dreams always change scenes quickly, with a million things going on, so they are hard to describe or remember later. But in the dreams, I’m always feeling like, “oh,ok, of course that happens now.” And I kind of float through them watching and absorbing everything.

So I’ve been searching for art with keys for a half hour and finding diddly. Anyone draw keys in their art?


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