Support our troops – but screw you, though

Had one of those lovely “Christian” women with the stupid ribbon magnets on her car decide I had cut her off pulling out of the grocery store parking lot and decide to zip past me in the same lane. Fortunately, I saw her coming and stayed over enough for her to get by. Why is it always these assholes who are the most inconsiderate people on the road? Why is everyone else supposed to live to their “values”, when it is obvious they have none, really?

Sorry, just in a really bad mood today since a friend sent the sad news that her brother-in-law passed away last night, which put me in a dark mood for the morning. I thought I just felt bad for her family, and then realized – it’s been two years this week since my mom died. Ah, that explained the funk I’ve been in all week long. The body always, always remembers, even when things are not in our conscious thoughts.

Tell you what, people. If you really want to support the troops, fight for their damn medical care when they get home. My own brother-in-law, a former Marine, suffers leukemia and a bum leg from a terrorist attack, and post traumatic stress disorder. But he can’t get a full disability from our wonderful veteran’s administration, and his doctors here in San Diego basically wrote him off last year for the leukemia. Fortunately they moved to Tucson and the good doctors there have him in full remission. It doesn’t take much to find as many similar or worse stories of lack of care and coverage on the Internets. You want to support these guys? Quit buying magnets from China, and write your congress creatures a letter about the crappy care these soldiers get when they get back. That’s how you support the troops, folks. Get them decent pay and benefits, don’t put a friggin’ magnet on your car.

And don’t drive like an asshole if you do – it pisses the rest of us off.


2 Responses

  1. I thought it was just my prejudice against these folks that made me think they all drive like assholes — guess I was right. This is why I keep my “Kerry-Edwards” sticker on the car — don’t want anyone to think for a minute that I’m one of these folks. I’ve considered getting a “Support Our Troops” sticker or magnet, too, just to see how many right-wing heads I can get to explode when they see these two items together…

  2. Well, I like confusing people with my bumper stickers as well – between the NOW and “Trust Women” stickers, the “Fight prime time – read a book”, the “Libraries change lives – support your local library”, and then, the NRA bumper sticker, they might get confused. Now I want one that says, “I support the ENTIRE bill of rights”.

    Living in a town with lots of active military, I tend to realize as lot of these people really do have relatives over there. But, it’s sad that to many, values are just a trendy thing to stick on the back of the car, and their tax break is more important than actually sacrificing anything themselves.

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