
“Golden Light After the Storm,” Phyllis Knopke

Golden light skims azure bay,
Dense air heavy with laurel.
Windless dusk smears to night,
Sonorous pool in a sheltered grove.

Though this world is turbulent, there are still days and places where we can be afforded some tranquility. When this happens, it is right to rest from the tribulations and striving of being in the world and to take advantage of what is offered. Sometimes it will be the peaceful feeling of sunset, when the blazing sun becomes reconciled with the horizon and a sense of acceptance lingers in the air. At other times, it will be the chance encounter with a secret place — perhaps a grove of trees that promises a mysterious comfort.

In such private places, we can often find peace. Such stillness can even be precious, as when we notice the deep voice of a stream which we were always too busy to hear before. Indeed, sometimes we are so worn out by our daily activities that we forget to notice our need for recharging.

Renewal is a profound tonic. With sanctuary and rest, we can prepare to go forth again.

Deng Ming-Dao, 365 Tao

I had an invitation to go to breakfast today. Instead, I am here in the quiet, studying Tao and writing. It seems like a small thing, but it helps center me and bring peace to my life. Later in the day I will go out and meet with friends, but this small space in the day is mine for being in a quiet spot.

So many of us hurry through our days without making quiet places to rest for a bit. For an introverted person like myself, this is very stressful. We especially need the quiet places in our lives to renew ourselves. Extroverts gain energy being around others and are not so stressed, I think. But for me, quiet time is an essential thing. A few minutes in the morning to warm myself in front of the heater with a cup of green tea, and the rest of the day works so much better for me.

I love sunsets in the evenings, too, and the moments of twilight before the day slips into night. It’s another time of day that is perfect to sit and reflect on the day’s events. Wherever you find peace, take a few minutes to rest and renew yourself, and things will work much better for you. Namaste.


One Response

  1. I felt compelled to respond today…”Sanctuary” hit home particularly for me. As a fellow introvert, I sometimes feel that I have to “make excuses” to friends (and sometimes family) for not being social…they will ask if there is something wrong, or did they do something to make me antisocial. We should not have to defend our sanctuary, but it seems this is often the case. Of course true friends understand. So thank you once again for your beautiful quotes and prose which I would not miss a day of.

    Would you suggest a book on Tao, Donna…there are so many. A recommendation from you would be honorable.


    Japanese Sencha Green Tea is my favorite…and yours?

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