PAC for Change

Pac for a Change

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PAC for a Change

On Tuesday, January 18th and Wednesday, January 19th, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice will appear before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in a confirmation hearing for her appointment as Secretary of State.

Dr. Rice’s confirmation hearing must not be a rubber stamp of President Bush’s appointment. The Senate must take its “advice and consent” role seriously.

That’s why, as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, I intend to stand up and ask Condoleezza Rice the tough questions that Americans deserve to have answered. Questions like:

* Why did the United States go to war in Iraq based on misleading — if not false and fraudulent — evidence?

* Why did we divert valuable resources and intelligence personnel to Iraq, taking them away from Afghanistan and the pursuit of Osama bin Laden?

* Why did you mislead the American people into thinking there was a connection between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaida before September 11th?

We must hold Condoleezza Rice accountable for her misleading statements leading up to the Iraq war and beyond before we can even consider promoting her to Secretary of State.

So I ask you to join with me: Lend your voice to the chorus of millions of Americans across our great land who are demanding that Condoleezza Rice tell the truth about Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, the search for Osama bin Laden, the fight against Al Qaida, and the war on terrorism.

I urge you to sign my petition, so I can take your voice with me to the committee room and the floor of the Senate in the pursuit of the truth from Condoleezza Rice.


Barbara Boxer


One Response

  1. I just recieved your call for “accountability from the President” and was once again disappointed at the lack of conviction and political back pedalling that has lost us two major elections so far and ceded control of the government to one party. Agreeing with the President that troops need to be in Iraq and asking him once again to justify his war is pointless. We need to state the facts. We need to define the problem. A reckless out of control president is abusing his authority in act after act of anti-American arrogance and he needs to be stopped. One of the first steps should be to hold him accountable in court. The war itself is illegal and the torture and murder that we are committing in Iraq and elsewhere sanctioned and orchestrated by the Bush administration is likewise illegal. Insurgents fighting against a foreign power in their own country, I’m sorry, are not terrorists. By that definition most of the governments in the New World were founded by terrorists including the United States of America. I lost friends and my business and carried my five year old out of Ground Zero on 9/11 and I know what a terrorist is. We are not fighting terrorists. The Bush administration is using the fear of terrorism as a business opportunity and as an excuse to grab power. We need to be calling for criminal prosecution of the Bush administration in the international court and through impeachment hearings. We need to be publishing the truth about the war. Just follow the money. How much of our tax money is going to private contractors (mercenaries) and companies with close ties to the administration who are the entities actually prosecuting the war while our soldiers take pay cuts, do quadruple tours and return home without a living wage or health care? The Democratic party leadership’s mealy mouthed attempts to fight the arrogant extremism of the Bush administration have all backfired. We need to tell it like it is. We need to demand immediate withdrawal from Iraq now and shut these guys down by any legal means necessary. It’s time they paid the cleaning bill when we open up our bag of dirty tricks. Enough is enough. I’m surprised that Senator Boxer who has been very courageous on other issues has given the rhetorical advantage to Bush on this his most vulnerable set of blunders.
    Wake up! Go for the throat! If you don’t, you know they will.

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