
Shi. To verify, to test. Verify what you learn.

Life is very short. We all want to live it well. We study spiritual systems in search of techniques and traditions to help us live our lives better.

While there is no shortage of people purporting to be sages, there is certainly ongoing confusion about which system to follow. Why? After you subtract all the false masters interested only in their own veneration and support; after you subtract all the religions paralyzed by dogma, ritual, and politics; after you subtract the systems where secrets are not readily shared; after you subtract the traditions ruined by supposed reform; and after you subtract the teachings subverted by people who never learned how to put theory into action – after you subtract all these things, there is very little left. To find the kernels of truth is hard indeed.

That is why you must look beyond mere fame. Do the teachings work or not? If the masters say practice this and the gods will appear before you in a hundred days, see if it happens. If they tell you to practice ten years to achieve enlightenment, then wait the ten years. The point is, however, that the teachings must work for you in your life and in your time. It is absolutely worthless to accept a teaching on mere faith, or because a book says to, or becuase everyone is doing it. None of that matters. All that matters is that the teachings work for you. And if they do, then faith is never a difficult matter.

Deng Ming-Dao, Everyday Tao


Does it work, or not? More important, does it work for you? I wonder how many people actually ask this about their belief system.

But I would add even more. Even if something does work for you, if it brings harm to others, it harms you. If it does not help others, it does not help you. This is a hard thing for a lot of people to understand. They think because they are getting richer, or having more, that makes things better for them, even if others are hurt by not having enough and they could help.

But material wealth is not worth the price of spiritual poverty. I often say these kinds of people are hurt simply by being the kind of people they are. It doesn’t seem like it; it seems those who have a lot would be really happy. And sometimes they are. For a while. But then they need the next fix, the next high, and they grow dissatisfied and want even more.

This is not a path to peace. True peace and fulfillment only comes from lightening the attachment to material wealth and using what you need, giving what you can of your skills and talents to others without thought of material gain. Does this mean you shouldn’t ask for money in return? Of course not – you have needs that must be met. And often others must pay something to feel they have gained something of value from you, or that they have benefited you in return for the benefits you have given them. The key is knowing what are your needs and what are just material things you have been led to believe you need.

If you want wealth, fine. Just don’t expect that it will satisfy you. If you want to be satisfied and fulfilled, learn what you need, and what is just the manipulation of your desire to get you to buy things that will add nothing of real value to your life, instead of products and services that will serve you well.

What things do you really need? One of my favorite things lately is a small magnet we got while in San Francisco with one of the rules from Alcatraz prison. It reads:

“Regulation #5
You are entitled to food, clothing, shelter and medical attention. Anything else you get is a privilege.”

Now. Don’t you live a privileged life? And wouldn’t that be a great motto for our nation to live by? Well, perhaps I would add education to that list then. What would you add?


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