Journeys and Artists

“The Journey”, Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

“This journey is long but there are prayers being told to smooth your fantasy pathway,” my Wind did say. “A toast to you as well! I send sunshine; and the mist of rainbows wherever you go.” And with that the Wind went on its way. “I’ve much to do,” quite breezily he said. “And after that I must go out and play.”
— Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

Jessie at Diary of a Self-Portrait is longing for an artist’s journey to India. She’s just made a very difficult choice, giving up her studio, but may not yet fully realize this is the first step in her new journey. It’s going to be an interesting year for her! Sunshine and Rainbows to you, Jessie, sunshine and rainbows… and now, I must go out and play!

Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will –whatever we may think.
— Lawrence Durrell

“Your journey never ends. Life has a way of changing things in incredible ways.” — Alexander Volkov

Every perfect traveler always creates the country where he travels.
Nikos Kazantzakis
nikos kazantzakis

A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.
— John Steinbeck

The ultimate truth of the journey and its final rewards are still for each of us to face alone.
Deng Ming-Dao

I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.
Lillian Smith

What’s the point? Why all of this walking? It is simply because Tao only can be found in the journey that is in the walking. Tao, true, real, permanent, nameless Tao cannot be found in any book, or in any school.
Bill Bunting

“Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.”
— Matsuo Basho

“The soul of a journey is liberty, perfect liberty, to think, feel, do just as one pleases”
— William Hazlitt

“What people forget is a journey to nowhere starts with a single step, too.”
— Chuck Palahniuk

One ship sails East,
And another West,
By the self-same winds that blow,
Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
That tells the way we go.

Like the winds of the sea
Are the waves of time,
As we journey along through life,
Tis the set of the soul,
That determines the goal,
And not the calm or the strife.

-– Ella Wheeler Wilcox


3 Responses

  1. Oh, dear Donna. This is the most wonderful gift that I could ever imagine. I am going to print this out right now and hang it near the paintings I am working on in my studio at home.

    Your words have filled me with color and hope. And these incredible quotes have given me enough food for thought to nurture me for a long, long time.
    *contented sigh*
    Thank you for this. You are truly beautiful.

  2. My own thoughts about journey (which did not come as a “birth package” but evolved over time) can be expressed simply:

    Never be so sure you will like where you are going better than where you already are that you don’t observe and take pleasure in your present spacetime.

    I have actually even gotten far less impatient in traffic because of this, and I never speed, tailgate, etc.

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