Crappy comment spammers

Please ignore the crappy comment spammers. I’ll try to get something up soon to do comment screening, sigh. I hate this stupid shit these morons do to ruin the net for everyone… meantime I’m closing comments for most entries for a while. Not that I get many anyway.

I really wonder what puts it into people’s heads to do shit like this. But then, I wonder what puts it into people’s heads to get rich and then screw the poor, strive for power so much that they’re willing to screw a whole country or two, and lots of other things. Sigh. It was nice having a couple of weeks away from the idiocy of this country. Hawaii really felt like a foreign place, the people there are so liberal. I hope they will get lots of midwest visitors who might be influenced somewhat by the open hostility shown to Bush. I really think that’s the answer – to just shame his supporters into realizing exactly what it is they support – theft, corruption, a useless and unnecessary war, and all the rest of the crap these people stand for. Why do they let themselves be bought off with a few scraps of fear and a stance against such horrors as gay marriage? Don’t these people have any gay friends or relatives? Don’t they have any understanding of what it’s like to want to vi!
sit a sick relative and not be able to, or not be able to get benefits for someone you love just as they would their spouse?

And then they call themselves Christian. I’ve yet to see anyone from the Christian right really show any compassion for others – at least others who aren’t also rich, Republican, and able to cut them a check or a good business deal.

Sorry, I’ve just kind of had it today. To come back from vacation to the same tired lines from these people and then see them accuse others of pessimism – as if there was any optimism in their vision of America, except for those that are already haves and have mores.


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