Chaos and Creation

“Nothing in the world can change from one reality into another unless it first turns into nothing, that is, into the reality of the between-stage. And then it is made into a new creature, from the egg to the chick. The moment when the egg is no more and the chick is not yet, is nothingness. And philosophy terms this “the primal state which no one can grasp” because it is a force that precedes creation; it is called chaos. It is the same with the sprouting seed. It does not begin to sprout until the seed disintegrates into the earth and the quality of seed-dom is destroyed in order that it may attain to nothingness which is the rung before creation. And this rung is called wisdom, that is to say, a thought that is not yet part of revelation. Then this thought gives rise to creation, as it is written, “In wisdom has Thou made them all.””

– Martin Buber

As we end this year of chaos, the year when everything seemed to fall apart and we planted the seed of a new era in electing Barack Obama, we need to reflect on our intentions for growth. I note that I posted the original post on chaos at the beginning of this year. Now, we are ending this chaotic time, and have to make new decisions, move in new directions, start to grow again. But first, there is a rest, a period of nothingness, a time when we can relax and gather our energy again. I hope you will all use the holidays as a time to enjoy family and friends, to enjoy yourselves, and not to be caught up in the busy-ness of making things perfect or try to get everyone the perfect present or whatever it is that may make you crazy at this time of year. We need quiet reflection right now, time to rest and renew ourselves.

Because next year, we have a hell of a lot of work to do, people.


One Response

  1. Wow, I couldn’t agree more. I have been thinking about how winter begs us to hibernate, or at least rest and renew, as you say. And in the middle of it, we put this holiday season that can be incredibly stressful for so many people. I am looking forward to the week between Christmas and New Year’s to do my Not So Big Life year-end ritual (instructions are at Somehow having that introspective activity waiting in the wings makes it easier to get through the holidays!

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