Oh, yes, we can!



Even here in the heart of ultra-Republican Poway!


9 Responses

  1. It proves that being a Republican does not automatically mean you are clinically insane–

    I’m a liberal Dem, but I remember a time when Republicans actually thought for themselves and, for the most part, were courteous human beings…traits which began eroding around the time of the Nixon administration, by the way.

    I hope the debacle that is this election, when coupled with the last 8 years, will shock and shame a little humanity back into their party.

  2. Obama will be our next president unless ugly racism rears it’s nasty head in the voting booth. I have hope that the number of racists are small and won’t affect the outcome as they did in the Bradley election.

  3. Poway’s still Republican? I remember my parents being the only people in our subdivision with a Kennedy For President sign stuck in their front lawn when we lived there. Is it something in the water? 😉

  4. No, just a ton of military and ex-military. For some reason, they still vote Republican. And of course, the formerly extremely wealthy, now seeing their 401Ks and housing values going bye bye, so maybe they’ll wake up.

    Probably not, though.

    At least the schools are good.

  5. I’m ex-military. I wouldn’t vote for Mr. McCain even if offered money. He’s a fraud.

    P.S. did I ever say to you that Mr. Obama locked up my vote long ago, and I have not wasted my time watching “debates,” political news, etc.

    By the way, do you know the whole “Joe the Plumber” thing is an absolute fraud? He’s not a licensed plumber, could never buy the business he allegedly works for, didn’t pay his taxes and Ohio liened him, and would, in truth, benefit, not suffer, from Obama’s tax proposals.

  6. In my neighborhood, here in the northern burbs of Atlanta, the only signs allowed are McSame and Caribou Barbie. They are all over. My Obama signs (three so far) are gone the next day. Overnight one of my GOP neighbors, that really doesn’t understand the 1st Amendment, removes them. The removal of the last one also got me a good ‘trenching’ on my newly seeded lawn. Revenge is mine saith the Goddess.

  7. Window signs are a good idea in those kind of settings.

    The idiocy of people in trashing other’s property is really annoying. I would suggest those nice little motion-activated sprinklers and a nice motion activated floodlight. Maybe with a nice “GET off my lawn!” tape in McCain’s voice…

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