Question of the Day

So —

Why do people pay $32 to go to a concert and then sit and drink and yack with their friends all through the entire concert??!!??

It’s really annoying to those of us who want to hear the concert we paid for, people.

Stay home to drink and yack with your friends.

I find myself wondering at times what the hell the point of anything is these days, when all our efforts seem to be overshadowed by the national sense of malaise accompanied by the idiocy of the people around us. The only folks who seem to be accomplishing anything are those who are so personally narcissistic that they can’t imagine anything else going on is important but their little piece of the world. The rest of us are too depressed by all the shit going down around us….

I mean I went to see Joe Jackson last night, and could barely enjoy it because so many people just would. not. shut. up. Ever. I can’t believe all these people think they are so important that they can’t shut their mouths for five minutes to listen to a song.


5 Responses

  1. “All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.” ~ Blaise Pascal

    Apparently, this truth extends to the inability to sit quiet in any room and to the miseries of those of us nearby who actually have the ability to sit still…

  2. It was amazing how shocked these people were when I asked them to be quiet so Iwe could enjoy the show. As if I was the one being rude to them, and not them to the performer and the rest of us!

  3. It puzzles me as well why people would pay to attend a public entertainment, and then spend the entire time ignoring it. I basically have quit going, and that includes movies.

    I have even noticed at open-mike nights that those who come to play/perform will be completely rude to those who are on stage by holding conversations right next to the stage, etc. Recently I asked two young women, one of whom was going to perform, if they could tone it down, or move their conversation away from front and center, and, as you say, was treated as though I were the rude one.

  4. I think a big part of the problem in American society in general today is this focus on “me first” that so many seem to have, that all that is important is how they individually are doing and what their life is about. It’s either that or the “celebrity” focus on tracking the lives of people they don’t even know, or the “fantasy’ focus of caring more about the fantasy lives of television characters than people in their own lives. They are on the phone with a distant friend even while sitting and having a meal with another friend, oblivious to the person they are with! It just stuns me that so many cannot be where they are, in that moment, and attending to the person or event right in front of them. it’s like massive attention deficit disorder.

  5. I used to work in the music business in Nashville, TN and often went to “writer’s night” at the Bluebird Cafe, where you will be promptly escorted out of the building for talking during a performance.

    I even recall someone being asked to leave for talking too loud while standing in line outside of the club!

    That’s the way it should be — complete respect for the artist as well as those who come to listen…

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