Amen, brother

Bush Looks to Heaven While Iraq Goes to Hell
To listen to George Bush, you would think that he was elected Pope or Chief Rabbi or something. With Mr. Bush, it�s him and God all the time. “I also have this belief, strong belief, that freedom is not this country�s gift to the world,” he averred at his recent press conference. “Freedom is the Almighty�s gift to every man and woman in this world.”

Freedom is not the Judeo-Christian divinity�s gift to anybody. None of the political and social ideals upon which the nation was begun come from either of these two religions. Remember St. Paul�s injunction that slaves should obey their masters.
Freedom and democracy have their origins with the Greeks and the Romans, who had a bunch of gods whose idea of family does not comport with George Bush�s. Holy moley, their big god, Zeus/Jupiter, was a cross-dresser and not above an occasional bout with bestiality. A very lusty god was/is he. The rest of that troop of Olympians were little better, tumbling in and out of each other�s beds, extorting sexual favors from mortals and generally disporting themselves in ways not approved of by the Republican National Committee, the Sanhedrin or the National Baptist Convention.

A dispassionate look would lead a person to conclude that freedom and democracy arose out of what George Bush and his fellow holy rollers would consider the libertine, permissive, anti-family culture of classical antiquity. If that�s overstating it, it is not an overstatement to say that freedom, even the idea of the individual as we conceive it, was invented by the pagans of Greece and Rome, the same people who threw away the oppressive belief that laws come from God and replaced it with man-made legislation.


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