
I feel my Roxie girl starting to slip away from me. Tonight, she couldn’t keep her food down, poor girl. Yet she is still so strong and brave, doesn’t let her pain keep her from being her loving self. So much to learn from her…

We’ll keep her comfortable and let go when it’s time. Brave girl…


8 Responses

  1. Be strong for her and for yourself – went on that journey about twenty months ago with my friend of 16 years, a mixed breed (Azulita aka Sweet Pea) – still brings a tear to my eye when I read your Roxie post just now.

    Remember the fun and take solace in those that share your life now.

  2. Thanks energyecon,

    We’re trying. Now the Rimadyl is upsetting her stomach, so had to take her off that. So I’m not sure what to try now to keep her out of pain. She’s grumbling a bit, but that’s better than her not getting any nutrition!

  3. You are given the undesirable position of “playing God.” The bottom line is her quality of life. Once you realize that you are keeping her alive because you can’t bear to let her go, it is time to let her go, especially if her quality of life is less than bearable for her.

    I believe that she is much more prepared for this moment than you. Animals are so selfless that I believe that she will forget her own challenges by focusing on helping you through yours…

  4. We replaced the Rimadyl with buffered aspirin for our dear Daisy. It helped for awhile. You will know when to let her go; she is at peace with you.

  5. Yes, Financial Philosopher, we are certainly watching her quality of life carefully. And Judith, I’ll try the buffered aspirin. She’s grumbling a bit but not limping right now, so I don’t think she’s in too much pain. After reading up on the Rimadyl and other available pain killers, it seems there really aren’t many good choices for dogs. They can all cause vomiting and liver damage. Kind of sad that there hasn’t been more effort to come up with something safer for them. But then the human pain killers can be pretty liver-damaging too — my last blood tests showed slightly elevated liver enzymes, and then I realized I had been taking some Ibuprofen the day before the tests. Gotta get re-tested next month, hopefully that will go better.

  6. Thanks, la peregrina.

    Roxie’s had a really good day today – rolling around and playing, barking at the neighbor’s girl dogs, and seems to be feeling fine. Some days she’s just sleeping most of the day, though.

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