Mr. McBush?

McCain and Bush eating cake while NOLA drowned after Katrina

OK, so now since the Republicans will go with McCain I have a question….

If by some dreadful chance they win, will we call the new Hoovervilles “McCainvilles”, or “McBushvilles”?

I rather like McBushvilles myself – I think all future references to McCain should just be McBush in fact, or perhaps Bush Lite or maybe even “New Bush”?

What do you guys think?

Then again, there is already a McCainville in Alabama, so that’s taken. I guess we’ll have to go with McBushvilles, then.


14 Responses

  1. I personally like “BushTowns” and McBush does it for me. You had some alliteration with Hooverville that made it roll off the tongue. Bushtown invokes the “shantytown” ambiance somehow.

  2. yes, yes, McBush which sounds like big Mac–empty of flavor, bad for your health.

    are we into magical thinking that if we prepare enough for the worst, then it may not take place? let me know, please, ’cause we have to get this one right.

    sigh has become shallow breathing. -naomi

  3. Heh. Maybe we should just call him Big Mac….

    With his “special” lobbyist sauce!

    McCain and HIllary are the media’s choice. Either one brings us no real change, altough with Hillary there is the appreanace of change.

    I’m not even sure Obama is change. Edwards was the real change candidate.

    Maybe 2012. That’s my prediction for when anything really starts to get better.

  4. I saw the word “McSame” applied to Sen. McLame, er, I mean McCain tonight. As far as I can tell, the thinks the only problem with Bush’s failed policies is that he didn’t go far enough with them.

    Are all conservatives stupid as shit, or only the ones we elect?

  5. “Are all conservatives stupid as shit, or only the ones we elect?”

    Only the ones in office, and the ones who aren’t rich.

    I think the rich ones are pretty good at rigging the game.

  6. And they never leave a real email address or URL. Funny, that. Guess they aren’t interested in real conversation.

  7. I tripped onto your blog a while ago and have come back to revisit. I’ve voted Republican for decades, so everything you have to say makes me smile. And definitely not in a condescending fashion. More like being in a locker room and accidentally over-hearing what people think of and are saying about you. You’ve heard that verse “A word of correction goes deeper into the heart of a wise man than twenty lashes into the back of a fool.” I appreciate your candor. And frankly, I despise ALL our choices for President. McCain… I have a visceral reaction to. And Hillary… oh my goodness, there are no words.

    What impresses and blesses me about you Donna is your passion.

    Thank’s for letting me listen in.

  8. Hey, Ginger, my parents voted Republican for decades, too I even vited for Reagan once when we worked in defense. It’s just sad how far they’ve gotten from their principles…..

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