Weighing in

Normally I don’t post much about the personal stuff (any more than that everything is actually personal, of course) but, since I’m depressed about the loss of Edwards from the political discussion today (which makes the rest of this campaign and everything until 2012 pretty much meaningless, really, since nothing will actually change) I’m focusing on what I’m pleased with today.

Which is my weight.

Normally, my weight matters very little to me in truth – if I am comfortable and able to do the things I want to do, then weight is mostly irrelevant. But today, I weighed in at 152.5. Which may not excite you, but it does me, since it’s the lowest I’ve weighed in at since last March. It means the weight loss from when I really started paying attention last January has stayed off, and I’m in a good place to lose the rest of the weight I want to lose this year. I bounced around in weight a bit last year, but never really got back down to that low weight of March, and now I have. This pleases me greatly.

I’m no longer fighting with myself over this. It’s like every part of me right now just wants to be healthy, to be more aware of what I’m actually doing and eating and is just paying attention. I don’t feel the need, beyond minor cravings at times, to just eat to be eating or because I’m stressed out. I’m eating my protein first, to feel fuller faster, and dropping so many of the empty calories. I’m eating lots of nuts, berries, even things I don’t particularly like at times because I know they are “good” for me. And this is all so different from how I used to eat, how I used to live. I check ingredients, I don’t buy anything with high fructose corn syrup or partially hydrogenated oils or too many processed chemicals.

And I feel better. Way better. Healthier, stronger, more able to deal with life and all it entails.

Coming into my 50th year on this planet, that’s a pretty good way to feel, really.


5 Responses

  1. Yay! Last year, bound and determined to lose weight myself in preparation for my 40th this year – so I can be forty and fabulous, not forty and frumpy! – I actually tried weight watchers, finally after hearing so many success stories – and voila, I lost 38 pounds! And keeping it off. Also avoiding the baddies as you say – it feels good. Keep up the great work – it’s worth it! 🙂

  2. I am pretty neurotic about avoiding trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, and excessive sodium. I am pissed off that the government’s regulations concerning trans fats allows food manufacturers to say there is “zero” if there is only a little bit. Trans Fats Are Not Food! Don’t Sneak Them In On Me!

    Speaking of sodium, do you ever read the labels on frozen prepared meals? Salt. Salt. More Salt.

    My healthier eating habits over recent years do not appear to have reduced my weight. I say “appear” because I only go by how my clothes fit and how I look.

  3. Wow, I could’ve written this post. I have finally learned to love myself enough to take better care of myself, quit rebelling against my “shoulds”, (quit having “shoulds” altogether), and pay attention to my real needs, which usually have nothing to do with food! Congratulations to both of us!

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